lindavida,diabetic,herbs digestives

lundi 28 juin 2010

Health is a Priority

Health is a Priority

There is nothing more important than one’s health. Keeping up your health can be a difficult task because of work, family, and stress.
Body Mix Plus 4 and 1 Ajos 40mg, Caigua 40 mg, Algas Marinas 40, Hercampuri 240 mg Controls and prevents the obesity and reduces cholesterol in blood,hercampuri eliminates fat and reduces overweight; garlic eliminates impurities, intestine toxins and parasites; caigua has valuable hypotensile action.

Body Mix Plus

100 Caps

30,00 €
Chanca Piedra Phyllanthus Niruni Its use is recommended for the treatment of kidney and biliary stones. It eliminates toxins from kidneys.

Chanca Piedra

100 Caps

28,00 €
Graviola Annona Muricata It is beleived that about 2% minimum of cancer cells remain after chemotherapy. These cells can develop what is known as the pump. These cells become extremely resistent to further chemotherapy as they are able to pump out any attempt for chemo to enter the cell. These resistant cancer cells eventually grow to create drug resistent tumors. Graviola has been shown to cut off the energy supply to these resistent cells as well. The HSI member’s alert informs that Graviola contains Annonaceous Acetogenins which have remarkable cytotoxic, anti-tumor activities effective against 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostrate, lung and pancreatic.


100 Caps

29,00 €
Herbal Fem Malva 75 mg, Matico 75 mg, Manayupa 75 mg, Sangre de Grado 75 mg Desinflamante of the ovaries, vaginal matrix of the utero and walls ademas the prolapse, the reductions, flows, cysts and sores.

Herbal Fem

100 Caps

30,00 €
Hercampuri Gentionella Alboracea Hypocholesterolemic, cholegogue, choleretic and blood depurative. It is recommended in treatments for weight loss and cholesterol reduction. Also used to treat hepatic affections and as a natural blood purifier. Due to its lipotrophical action, it has a remarkable action on fat metabolism eliminating fatness without cause anorexy.


100 Caps

27,10 €

Maca Lepidium Meyeni

The large quantity of proteins combined with iron and vitamins,Maca a source of ENERGY and in particular the vitamins B1, B2, B12, C, E, supports the nervous system, helps to fight against FATIGUE and STRESS It is recommended in cases of anemia, osteoporosis, infertility.


100 Caps

28,10 €
Manuyapa Desmonium Molliculum Dépuration or detoxification is the process by which the body eliminates toxins exogenous or endogenous affecting the functional balance of the individual, altering the state of health. Many of these toxins accumulate over the years in our body and eventually spread a series of illnesses.Symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, fatigue, tingling, stains on the face and coprs,etc.can be manifestations of poisoning or recent accumulated


100 Caps

28,10 €
Noni Morinda Citrifolia Provides powerful antioxidants, may be beneficial to the immune system, and increases energy.


100 Caps

35,00 €

MSM Products,Multi Vitamins

Omega 3 ,6 ,9 Products Organics
Pasuchaca Geranium Dielsiaum Plant with excellent hypoglicemiant effect (reduces sugar levels) reason why is recommended in the treatment of light and moderate diabetes. It is also antidiabetic, hypoglicemiant and blood purifier, considered as a good astringent and anti inflammatory that fights mouth ulcers and diarrheas


100 Caps

28,55 €

Testosterone Boosters,L-Glutamine

Weight Management
RSX Sexual Power Sexual Reconstituyente, acts like revitalizador of the impotence and premature eyaculation. Composition: Maca, Chuchuhuasi, male Huanarpo, Iporuro, Nail huasca.

It is recommended in cases of sexual dysfunction

RSX Maca, Chuchuhuasi, Huanarpo macho, Hiporuro, Sanango, Clavo huasca.

100 Caps


Pycnogenol ,Grapeseed

Pomegranate ,Pregnancy
Sangre de Grado Croton Lechleri Is an excellent cicatrizant used in problems of gastrointestinal ulcers and external ulcerations or injuries (cellular repair). Its hemeostatic property goes hand in hand with cicatrisation, since it stops the hemorrhage of a wound or ulceration. Traditionally used for diverse afecctions like uterine colics, hemorrhages, disenteria and treatment of tumors

Sangre de grado en líquido

Gotero de 30 ml

20,10 €

Lavender,Laxatives and Bowel Health

Liquid Herbal Extracts
Uña de gato Uncaria Tomentosa It is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory recommended for the treatment of arthritic and rheumatic affections, articulation and osteomuscular pains. Stimulates the immunologic system and it has showed to be very effective also in the treatment of cancer, tumors, gastritis, AIDS and some epidemic diseases

Uña de gato

100 Caps


Herbal Products,Homeopathic

Hyaluronic Acid,
Yacón Smallanthus sonchifolius is recommended in cases of diabetes, digestive problems, in cases of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. It regulates the pancreas function, it facilitates the assimilation of calcium and vitamins of the B complex. Its use is recommended in the treatment of obesity


100 Caps

28,89 €

Devils Claw,Peppermint

Fenugreek,Garlic,Milk Thistle

Publicado por Linda Vida Distribute and wholesaler of herbal extracts ;supplements en

Publicado por Linda Vida Distribute and wholesaler of herbal extracts ;supplements & wholesaler of herbal extracts & supplements

wholesaler of herbal extracts & supplements

edit Linda Vida, produits naturels qui donnent vie et santé
Distributor and Wholesaler

utero,plantas,mundo,urinarias ,medicinales,alimentos,vaginales

hipertiroidismo,e,del,pàra,vias ,huanarpo,curativas

Sacha Inchi
Place of origin: Peru
Model No: Plukenetia volubilis
Fob Price: EUR 5 & 7 , 9
Port: 9
PaymentTerms:L/C,D/A,D/P,T/ MoneyGram PAYPAL
Minimum Order Quantity: 30 Gallon 500
Supply Ability: 1000 Gallon per Week
Delivery Time: 1 WEEK
Brand Name: sacha inchi

Features Specifications: Sacha Inchi rich Omega 3 6 and 9 mineral nutrients

Sacha Inchi are commonly called essential fatty acids as they are essential to human health.

Omegas cannot be created by the body so necessarily must be obtained from food (fish and certain plant oils).

It is important to maintain an appropriate balance of Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 in the diet as these substances work together to promote health

A healthy diet should consist of roughly one Omega-3 fatty acid to four Omega-6 fatty acids; closer to one, the better.

To provide a clear example, a typical diet here in North America is 15 to 50 times more Omega-6 fatty acids than Omega-3 fatty acids; many researchers believe this imbalance is a key factor in the rising rate of inflammatory disorders in North America. In other parts of the world, in contrast to what it is typical for North America, the diet consists of a healthier balance between Omegas and many studies have shown that people who follow this diet are less likely to develop heart disease.

edit Uses
Many studies suggest that an appropriate and balanced ingest of Omegas may be helpful for different conditions.

Some possible health benefits of Omega Fatty Acids

■Benefits the cardiovascular system
■Supports immune health
■Promotes Mental Clarity and Memory
■Improves Vision
■Promotes neurological health
■Trigger metabolism and increases natural fat loss
■Helps boost antioxidants
■Promotes healthy bones and joints
■Encourages a healthy looking skin, hair and nails

The evidence is strongest for heart disease and problems that contribute to heart disease, but the possible uses for Omegas include a long list.

STEVIA – Stevia rebaudiana

Stevia is a wonderful sweet herb devoid of calories and diabetes risk which provides a natural and safe alternative for sugar and chemical sweeteners. Stevia has been used by many Latin American cultures for centuries and is today widely used in many countries either as a sweetener or as nutrition supplement.

The herb in dried leaf powder form is about 30 times stronger than sugar. AyurMed Stevia is certified ’100% Organic’ by OneCert, USA and is offered as :

• Dried leaf powder • Liquid aqueous extract • Tea sweetened with Stevia Stevia plants (both tissue culture and saplings) are available. Contract farming arrangements are also offered with 100% buy-back.

Herbs & Natural Remedies, Spices, Herbal Teas, Herbal Extracts, Essential Oils, Organic Herbs, Organic Spices, Culinary Herbs, Aromatic Herbs, Medicinal Herbs,Herbal Products, Herbal Remedies, Botanicals, Nutraceuticals, Nutrition Supplements, Dietary Supplements

Trade & Market Main Markets: North America South America Eastern Europe Southeast Asia Oceania Mid East Eastern Asia Western Europe

edit Languages
Nederlands Hollands Dutch

edit Languages
español (Spanish)

edit Contact

edit Additional Information


edit External Links
■WHOIS for
Alimentation Sante | Alimentation Santé | And Women | Aphrodisiac For Both Men | Assurance Santé | Cat’s Claw | Diagnostic Sante | Electrica | Equitable | Español | Etnicas Peruan | Formation Sante | Forme Sante | Graviola | Herb | Herb Plant | Herbal | Hercampuri | Luke Sante | Maca | Macalibido | Manayupa | Medecine Sante | Medicinal | Naturel | Noni | Pasuchaca | Plant Extract | Planta | Planta Biodiesel | Plantas | Plantas De Apartamentos | Plantas De Asfaltos | Plantas De Trituracion | Plantas Electricas | Productos Salud | Provence | Provence Sante Soap | Prévoyance Santé | Rapports Santé | Rsx | S | Salud y belleza | Sangre De Drago | Sante | Sante Naturkosmetik | Santé Naturelle | Solidario | Statistique Santé | Uña De Gato | Vida Eterna | Yacon

Publicado por Linda Vida Distribute and wholesaler of herbal extracts;supplements en 03:34 0 comentarios Enlaces a esta entrada
samedi 7 février 2009
Sacha Inchi

Sacha Inchi

Es una planta nativa d e la Amazonía Peruana descrita por primera vez, como especie, en el año 1753 por el Naturalista Linneo; de ahí su nombre científico Plukenetia volúbilis linneo. El orden a que pertenece (Euphorbiceae) está distribuido en todo el mundo abarcando alrededor de 280 géneros con 8000 Especies.
En el Perú se la conoce desde siglos atrás bajo diferentes nombres, entre ellos Sacha Inchic, término quechua que significa Maní del monte o silvestre; Amui, término utilizado por las tribus aborígenes de la amazonía; Sacha inchi, Maní del monte, Maní del inca e Inca peanut.
Se pueden encontrar registros de su origen en Perú en las culturas pre-incas nor-orientales, mediante representaciones de su fruto en huacos Chimús y Mochicas . Actualmente se estudia la presencia de esta planta en la milenaria cultura Caral, al norte de Lima-Perú, con más de 3000 años de antigüedad.
En nuestros días se cultiva en varios departamentos de la selva alta y baja del Perú, como son San Martín, Loreto, Ucayali, Pasco y Junín.

El Sacha Inchi produce una almendra que posee uno de los más altos contenidos de ácidos grasos esenciales para el organismo, como son el Omega 3, 6 y 9. Así mismo posee un elevado contenido proteico de muy buena digestibilidad, además de compuestos antioxidantes.

Sus características permiten que se utilice para equilibrar el colesterol y triglicéridos, ayudar a regular el peso e incrementar la capacidad mental. Puede utilizarse también como revitalizante y rejuvenecedor de la piel.

Aminogramas y perfiles nutricionales efectuados en 1990 por Hammaker (USA) indican que el sacha inchi posee un aceite de baja saturación. La almendra, como alimento, mas vitaminas, proteínas y minerales que la carne de res. El aceite tiene alto contenido de vitamina A, 680 ug de retinol en 100 ml de aceite. El aceite, por provenir de una especie vegetal, carece de colesterol.

La semilla actualmente se consume cruda, tostada, cocida con sal, en confituras (turrón), en mantequilla y como ingrediente de diversos platos típicos tales como el Inchi cucho (Ají con maní), lechón api (Mazamorra de plátano con maní), Inchi capi (Sopa con maní) en los cuales remplaza al maní; en algunos lugares se obtienen aceites artesanales para la alimentación y combustible de iluminación.

Publicado por Linda Vida Distribute and wholesaler of herbal


Annona muricata

Le Corossol, graviola ou Guanabana est une plante originaire de l’Amazonie, en Amérique du
Sud. Sa principale vertu se trouve dans son principe actif,
l’acétogénine, qui aide à inhiber sélectivement la croissance de cellules cancéreuses.
De nombreuses études ont établi une grande effectivité du Corossol
dans la réduction de cellules tumorales dans divers types de cancer. Les alcaloïdes présents
dans l’écorce et les feuilles de cette plante ont un possible effet cytotoxique, ce qui peut être
mis à profit pour traiter divers types de tumeurs malignes, sans attaquer les cellules saines.
En plus il contient des protéines, hydrates de carbone, fibres, cendres, calcium, phosphore,
fer, thiamine, riboflavine, niacine, acide ascorbique,
Aminoacides, alcaloïdes et triterpènes.
Il contribue à renforcer le système immunologique. Il est recommandé dans le traitement de
diarrhées, dysenteries et autres maux gastro-intestinaux.
Il est également utilisé dans des cas de tension nerveuse, stress et insomnie.
· Anti-mutagénique (protège les cellules)
· Antitumoral
· Antidépresseur
· Anticonvulsant
· Antispasmodique
· Cardio-dépresseur
· Hypotendu (abaisse la tension artérielle)
· Antibactérien
· Antiparasitaire
· Sédatif et stimulant utérin
Les informations signalées ci-après, ne constituent pas une ordonnance ni une prescription médicale.
Le recours à ces produits naturels de complément, nutritionnels et cosmétiques n´exonère pas d’une
consultation médicale appropriée à laquelle Linda Vida ne prétend pas se substituer.

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