lindavida,diabetic,herbs digestives
jeudi 3 décembre 2009
RSX Sexual Power

Sexual Power
MacaLepidium Meyenii
Medicinal, food Origin:Peru - Cordillera of the AndesAltitud of crop:from 3.800 to 4.500 m (12.500 to 14.800 ft)Maca, also called Maca-Maca, Ginseng Peruvian, , is a native plant of the Peruvian central cordillera, domesticated for 3.600 years. This plant owes its fabulous properties to the richness of the ground of this area (Cerro of Pasco, Junin) out of minerals and oligoelements. Maca is a plant with very short development. Its color is yellow or purple, the flowers are of ivory color.Used as well for its culinary qualities as its curative, the maca is regarded as "food of the famine", paramount in the preparation of the meals in the event of food shortage. Incas were large consumers of maca, bringing them a great resistance to the climate of high altitude and the rigorous cold air.
- NASA has, since 1996, used the MACA in the food of the ASTRONAUTS. - The MACA and HUANARPO MACHO are the principal components of the "VIAGRA". - Energetic - Antistress - Aphrodisiac - Restores the intellectual and body abilities - Rejuvenator - Important supplement in sporting activities (natural alternative to the anabolisants) - Helps to growth and development of the children - Supports the memory - Increases the fertility (for both sexes) - Increases the immunology level of the organism - Relieves the premenstrual syndrome and regularizes the menstrual cycle - Food supplement In treatment of: - Menopause - Osteoporosis Chemical composition:Proteins 10 to 18% MINERALS mg / 100 g ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Carbohydrates 70 to 75% Calcium 400 to 650 Omega 9 COleic acid 13,4% Fat 1 to 2% Phosphorus 200 to 400 Fibers 3 to 5% Sodium 90 to 110 Omega 6 CLinoleic acid 40,0% VITAMINS mg/100 g Iron 10 to 32 Vitamin C 20 to 32 Magnesium 70 to 115 Omega 3Linoleico Alfa acid 12,8% Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0,5 to 1,2 Potassium 900 to 1100 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0,5 to 1,0 Copper 5 to 6 Vitamin B12 1,0 to 1,3 Zinc 2,8 to 6,1 Nutritition value:174 to 384 Kcal Caroten 0,07Other minerals:Manganeso, selenium, boron, silicium, aluminium Other vitamins:Niacin, B6, D3 and P - Maca is IDEAL for the MODES, thanks to its low content of fat (less than 2%). - The large quantity of proteins combined with iron and vitamins, make Maca a source of ENERGY and the B complex, in particular the vitamin B12, supports the nervous system, helps to fight against FATIGUE and STRESS. - Its anti-asthenic properties of anabolisant type led the body-builders to use Maca successfully as a NATURAL ALTERNATIVE to the ANABOLISANTS. - One can as well recommend Maca to stimulate the LIBIDO in men and women and to fight against STERILITY, due to nutritional deficiencies, in particular to the lack of zinc, iron, vitamin B12 and amino acids. - The APHRODISIACS properties are due to its isothiocyanate of methoxybenzyl contents. - For its properties against IMPOTENCY, Maca facilitates erection. Dr. Gary F Gordon, ex President of the American College for the Advance of Medicine, tested Maca personally and noted a stimulation of the erectil tissues and said "Maca is the natural alternative to Viagra". He also added "Maca is a possibility to standardize the steroidal hormones like the testosterone, the progesterone and the estrogens." (sic). - Maca can be recommended in the cases of OSTEOPOROSE thanks to its high calcium content and the boron, which facilitate the absorption of calcium. - Thanks to the aromatic steroids and glucosinolates (hormonal regulators), one regards Maca as an important food to fight against the effects of MENOPAUSE. - Maca acts as stimulation on the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, modulating secretions of hormones LH, FSH, HCG and prolactin and consequently has an important role in the correct operation of other endocrine glands like the OVARIES, the TESTICLES, the SUPRARENAL GLANDS, the PANCREAS and THYROID GLAND. - Maca allows an increase of 50% of the production of the hydroepiandriosterone hormone, known as the HORMONE of the YOUTH, which normally decreases with age. - The proportion of Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3, 6 C and 9 C is very important. These Omegas are necessary for the human life and health. According to certain studies, practically 90% of the people have a deficiency in at least one of them ("The Barron Report" - vol. 6, Issue 1 - January 1998). The absence of these Essential Fatty Acids was related to many current diseases such as LOSS of the HAIR, LOSS of VITALITY, SKIN DISORDERS, CIRCULATION PROBLEMS and the HEART, and all immunological disorders and even the
Sexual Power
MacaLepidium Meyenii
Medicinal, food Origin:Peru - Cordillera of the AndesAltitud of crop:from 3.800 to 4.500 m (12.500 to 14.800 ft)Maca, also called Maca-Maca, Ginseng Peruvian, , is a native plant of the Peruvian central cordillera, domesticated for 3.600 years. This plant owes its fabulous properties to the richness of the ground of this area (Cerro of Pasco, Junin) out of minerals and oligoelements. Maca is a plant with very short development. Its color is yellow or purple, the flowers are of ivory color.Used as well for its culinary qualities as its curative, the maca is regarded as "food of the famine", paramount in the preparation of the meals in the event of food shortage. Incas were large consumers of maca, bringing them a great resistance to the climate of high altitude and the rigorous cold air.
- NASA has, since 1996, used the MACA in the food of the ASTRONAUTS. - The MACA and HUANARPO MACHO are the principal components of the "VIAGRA". - Energetic - Antistress - Aphrodisiac - Restores the intellectual and body abilities - Rejuvenator - Important supplement in sporting activities (natural alternative to the anabolisants) - Helps to growth and development of the children - Supports the memory - Increases the fertility (for both sexes) - Increases the immunology level of the organism - Relieves the premenstrual syndrome and regularizes the menstrual cycle - Food supplement In treatment of: - Menopause - Osteoporosis Chemical composition:Proteins 10 to 18% MINERALS mg / 100 g ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Carbohydrates 70 to 75% Calcium 400 to 650 Omega 9 COleic acid 13,4% Fat 1 to 2% Phosphorus 200 to 400 Fibers 3 to 5% Sodium 90 to 110 Omega 6 CLinoleic acid 40,0% VITAMINS mg/100 g Iron 10 to 32 Vitamin C 20 to 32 Magnesium 70 to 115 Omega 3Linoleico Alfa acid 12,8% Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0,5 to 1,2 Potassium 900 to 1100 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0,5 to 1,0 Copper 5 to 6 Vitamin B12 1,0 to 1,3 Zinc 2,8 to 6,1 Nutritition value:174 to 384 Kcal Caroten 0,07Other minerals:Manganeso, selenium, boron, silicium, aluminium Other vitamins:Niacin, B6, D3 and P - Maca is IDEAL for the MODES, thanks to its low content of fat (less than 2%). - The large quantity of proteins combined with iron and vitamins, make Maca a source of ENERGY and the B complex, in particular the vitamin B12, supports the nervous system, helps to fight against FATIGUE and STRESS. - Its anti-asthenic properties of anabolisant type led the body-builders to use Maca successfully as a NATURAL ALTERNATIVE to the ANABOLISANTS. - One can as well recommend Maca to stimulate the LIBIDO in men and women and to fight against STERILITY, due to nutritional deficiencies, in particular to the lack of zinc, iron, vitamin B12 and amino acids. - The APHRODISIACS properties are due to its isothiocyanate of methoxybenzyl contents. - For its properties against IMPOTENCY, Maca facilitates erection. Dr. Gary F Gordon, ex President of the American College for the Advance of Medicine, tested Maca personally and noted a stimulation of the erectil tissues and said "Maca is the natural alternative to Viagra". He also added "Maca is a possibility to standardize the steroidal hormones like the testosterone, the progesterone and the estrogens." (sic). - Maca can be recommended in the cases of OSTEOPOROSE thanks to its high calcium content and the boron, which facilitate the absorption of calcium. - Thanks to the aromatic steroids and glucosinolates (hormonal regulators), one regards Maca as an important food to fight against the effects of MENOPAUSE. - Maca acts as stimulation on the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, modulating secretions of hormones LH, FSH, HCG and prolactin and consequently has an important role in the correct operation of other endocrine glands like the OVARIES, the TESTICLES, the SUPRARENAL GLANDS, the PANCREAS and THYROID GLAND. - Maca allows an increase of 50% of the production of the hydroepiandriosterone hormone, known as the HORMONE of the YOUTH, which normally decreases with age. - The proportion of Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3, 6 C and 9 C is very important. These Omegas are necessary for the human life and health. According to certain studies, practically 90% of the people have a deficiency in at least one of them ("The Barron Report" - vol. 6, Issue 1 - January 1998). The absence of these Essential Fatty Acids was related to many current diseases such as LOSS of the HAIR, LOSS of VITALITY, SKIN DISORDERS, CIRCULATION PROBLEMS and the HEART, and all immunological disorders and even the
CHUCHUHUASIMaytenus Laevis
Parts used: bark, root Uses:medicinalOrigin: Peru (Amazon rainforest)Other names: Huashu del Chucchu, Chuchasha, Chuchuhuasha. Chuchuhuasi is an immense tree of Amazonian, which can reach 30 m (100 ft) in height. Its sheets are large, 10 to 30 cm (4 to 12 in), its flowers small and white and the bark is very resistant, heavy and reddish. The fruit is ovoid with oblong seeds. - Anti-arthritic - Antidiarrhoeas - Anti-rheumatic - Anti-inflammatory - Muscle relaxant - Antitumor - Analgesic (relieves pain)- Tonic In treatment of:- Arthritis- Rheumatism- Ache (back, muscles)- LumbagosOther uses: Aphrodisiac. Chemical composition: Phytochimics, triterpenes, favonols and alcaloides of sesquiterpene. 2 phytochimics of Chuchuhuasi the mayteine and the alkaloids of maytansine are well known since the Sixties for their antitumor activity. In the Sixties, an American pharmaceutical company discovered the immunostimulant characteristics in the sheet and the bark. In 1977, the researchers announced that the extracts of the alcohol of the bark had anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and confirmed the traditional applications for the arthritic pains, confirmed by Italian researchers in 1980 and Japanese in 1993. In the Seventies, the Italian researchers identified the antitumor characteristics of Chuchuhuasi and allotted the effects to the tingenone and pristimerine and also in 1999 to the sesquiterpens. 22-hydroxitingenone, 6-benzoyl-6-deacetilmayteine, ethers beta-dyhidroagarofuran of poliol LED sesquiterpene, canofillol, tannins of the catechin, triterpenes friedelan, 3-oxo-29-hydrofriedlelane, 3-oxofriedlan-25-Al, laevisines A and B, macrocarpines A_D, maytansine, mayteine, maytenine, mebeverine, phenoldienones, pristimeran, proantocyanidins, tingenone
HUANARPO MACHOJatropha Macrantha M.
Parts used: sapmedicinalOrigin:Cordillera of the AndesOther names: Barbasco, Higos del Duente, Mitocala, Palo de Grado. Herbaceous plant with the thick stems and red flowers. The milky sap is used as a sexual excitening agent. Huanarpo Macho with Maca are the principal components of the "VIAGRA". - Aphrodisiac In treatment of: - Impotency - Coetaneous irritations Huanarpo Macho acts as a blocking esparto-adrenoreceptor, reduces the effect of the hormones, which causes the contraction of the blood vessels, effect which increases typically with the age. Huanarpo Macho increases also the production of the norepinephrine, which is essential for the formation of erections.
IPORUROAlchornea Castaneifolia
EuphorbiaceaeParts used: bark, leavesUses: medicinalOrigin: Amazon rainforest Other names: Iporoni, Ipurosa, Macochihua. Iporuro is a small tree measuring up to 9 m (30 ft) in height, with a bark of clear chestnut color. The leaves are small with slight toothed edges. Properties: - Aphrodisiac - Antibacterial - Male Geriatric In treatment of: - Impotency - Arthritis - Rheumatisms - Osteo-arthritis- Muscle pains Chemical composition: Aurones, quaternary bases, simple chalcones, steroids, phenols, flavones, flavonols, flavanones, flavononols, saponins, tannins pyrogalic and xantones
CLAVO HUASCAThynnanthus Panurensis
APHRODISIAC BerberidaceaeParts used: wood and barkOrigin: Amazon rainforest Vid del Clavo, Cipó Cravo Clavo Huasca is a crawling liana, which can reach up to 80 m length. The wood of dark red color has a strong odor similar to that of the cloves, and when it is cut, appears a Maltese cross of gold color. The flowers are small and of white, cream or yellowish color. Properties: - Aphrodisiac - Analgesic (relieves pain)- Stimulant - Digestive In treatment of:- Impotency - Premature ejaculation - Frigidity - Intestinal gases - Rheumatisms - Arthritis - Fever Chemical composition: Eugenol. Alkaloids: tinantine. Strong fixed acids, simple aurones, chalcones, steroids, phenols, flavonones, heterosides cyanogenic, leucoantocyanidines, tannins pyrogalic, resins, essential oils.
CHUCHUHUASIMaytenus Laevis
Parts used: bark, root Uses:medicinalOrigin: Peru (Amazon rainforest)Other names: Huashu del Chucchu, Chuchasha, Chuchuhuasha. Chuchuhuasi is an immense tree of Amazonian, which can reach 30 m (100 ft) in height. Its sheets are large, 10 to 30 cm (4 to 12 in), its flowers small and white and the bark is very resistant, heavy and reddish. The fruit is ovoid with oblong seeds. - Anti-arthritic - Antidiarrhoeas - Anti-rheumatic - Anti-inflammatory - Muscle relaxant - Antitumor - Analgesic (relieves pain)- Tonic In treatment of:- Arthritis- Rheumatism- Ache (back, muscles)- LumbagosOther uses: Aphrodisiac. Chemical composition: Phytochimics, triterpenes, favonols and alcaloides of sesquiterpene. 2 phytochimics of Chuchuhuasi the mayteine and the alkaloids of maytansine are well known since the Sixties for their antitumor activity. In the Sixties, an American pharmaceutical company discovered the immunostimulant characteristics in the sheet and the bark. In 1977, the researchers announced that the extracts of the alcohol of the bark had anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and confirmed the traditional applications for the arthritic pains, confirmed by Italian researchers in 1980 and Japanese in 1993. In the Seventies, the Italian researchers identified the antitumor characteristics of Chuchuhuasi and allotted the effects to the tingenone and pristimerine and also in 1999 to the sesquiterpens. 22-hydroxitingenone, 6-benzoyl-6-deacetilmayteine, ethers beta-dyhidroagarofuran of poliol LED sesquiterpene, canofillol, tannins of the catechin, triterpenes friedelan, 3-oxo-29-hydrofriedlelane, 3-oxofriedlan-25-Al, laevisines A and B, macrocarpines A_D, maytansine, mayteine, maytenine, mebeverine, phenoldienones, pristimeran, proantocyanidins, tingenone
HUANARPO MACHOJatropha Macrantha M.
Parts used: sapmedicinalOrigin:Cordillera of the AndesOther names: Barbasco, Higos del Duente, Mitocala, Palo de Grado. Herbaceous plant with the thick stems and red flowers. The milky sap is used as a sexual excitening agent. Huanarpo Macho with Maca are the principal components of the "VIAGRA". - Aphrodisiac In treatment of: - Impotency - Coetaneous irritations Huanarpo Macho acts as a blocking esparto-adrenoreceptor, reduces the effect of the hormones, which causes the contraction of the blood vessels, effect which increases typically with the age. Huanarpo Macho increases also the production of the norepinephrine, which is essential for the formation of erections.
IPORUROAlchornea Castaneifolia
EuphorbiaceaeParts used: bark, leavesUses: medicinalOrigin: Amazon rainforest Other names: Iporoni, Ipurosa, Macochihua. Iporuro is a small tree measuring up to 9 m (30 ft) in height, with a bark of clear chestnut color. The leaves are small with slight toothed edges. Properties: - Aphrodisiac - Antibacterial - Male Geriatric In treatment of: - Impotency - Arthritis - Rheumatisms - Osteo-arthritis- Muscle pains Chemical composition: Aurones, quaternary bases, simple chalcones, steroids, phenols, flavones, flavonols, flavanones, flavononols, saponins, tannins pyrogalic and xantones
CLAVO HUASCAThynnanthus Panurensis
APHRODISIAC BerberidaceaeParts used: wood and barkOrigin: Amazon rainforest Vid del Clavo, Cipó Cravo Clavo Huasca is a crawling liana, which can reach up to 80 m length. The wood of dark red color has a strong odor similar to that of the cloves, and when it is cut, appears a Maltese cross of gold color. The flowers are small and of white, cream or yellowish color. Properties: - Aphrodisiac - Analgesic (relieves pain)- Stimulant - Digestive In treatment of:- Impotency - Premature ejaculation - Frigidity - Intestinal gases - Rheumatisms - Arthritis - Fever Chemical composition: Eugenol. Alkaloids: tinantine. Strong fixed acids, simple aurones, chalcones, steroids, phenols, flavonones, heterosides cyanogenic, leucoantocyanidines, tannins pyrogalic, resins, essential oils.
vendredi 9 octobre 2009

Organic Maca,ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE, pleasure,FERTLITY FOOD AND LIBIDO,Peruvian viagra,h1n1, Menopause treatment,HRT alternative,HEALTHY AMERICANS,gripe A,noni,HRT ALTERNATIVE FOR WOMENS,HEALTH AND A omega 3,6,9,FEMALE SEXUAL ENHANCER,GOOD FOR LOW SEX,manayupa, MENOPAUSE ,RELIEF,cancer,sida,alovera,guarana,hercampuri, sexual,MENSTRUATION,stevia,sachainchi,mate mate coca,sperulina,graviola,Over Weight,Weight Loss,
mardi 6 octobre 2009
natural product for everyone

(Gentianella alborosea): Hypocholesterolemic, cholegogue, choleretic and blood depurative. It is recommended in treatments for weight loss and cholesterol reduction. Also used to treat hepatic affections and as a natural blood purifier. Due to its lipotrophical action, it has a remarkable action on fat metabolism eliminating fatness without cause anorexy.
natural product for everyone

(Gentianella alborosea): Hypocholesterolemic, cholegogue, choleretic and blood depurative. It is recommended in treatments for weight loss and cholesterol reduction. Also used to treat hepatic affections and as a natural blood purifier. Due to its lipotrophical action, it has a remarkable action on fat metabolism eliminating fatness without cause anorexy.
samedi 7 février 2009

Un sucre... presque sans calorie
La Stevia, plante sucrière venant du de l’Amérique du Sud Brésil, Paraguay et Perou, dispose d'un avantage de poids sur la betterave et la canne à sucre : elle ne contient quasiment pas de calories.
Le stevia est un agent sucrant extrait d’une plante appelée « stevia rebaudiana » originaire de l’Amérique du Sud. Depuis plusieurs années, cette substance est largement utilisée en Asie comme substitut du sucre par l’industrie alimentaire. Son attrait réside dans son pouvoir sucrant nettement supérieur à celui du sucre blanc, sa valeur calorique nulle et son impact négligeable sur la glycémie suite à sa consommation. On lui attribue également des vertus thérapeutiques probables. Ainsi, certains pays sud-américains recourent traditionnellement au stevia pour traiter certains problèmes de santé tels que l’hypertension artérielle (haute pression) et le diabète de type 2.
Actuellement, il est possible de consommer le stevia sous différentes formes :
Feuilles séchées possédant un pouvoir sucrant de 10 à 15 fois plus élevé que le sucre pour une même quantité. Ce produit est vendu sous forme de poudre. Extrait concentré de la substance responsable du pouvoir sucrant appelée stévioside : son pouvoir sucrant est de 100 à 300 fois celui du sucre pour une quantité équivalente.Il est disponible sous forme de poudre blanche (en sachetsou en vrac) ou de préparation liquide. Feuilles fraîches cueillies à même l’arbuste stevia.
Depuis 2006, la Direction des produits de santé naturels de Santé Canada a autorisé de façon provisoire l’utilisation du stevia et de ses produits dérivés à titre de « produits de santé naturels ». Toutefois, ils ne peuvent pas être ajoutés aux aliments pré-emballés par les différents acteurs de l’industrie alimentaire, comme c’est le cas pour des édulcorants tels que le sucralose ( Splenda ®) et l’aspartame.
Stévioside : 1 mg par kilogramme de poids corporel jusqu’à concurrence de 70 mg. Veuillez noter qu’avec certains produits vendus sous forme de poudre,le maximum peut être atteint avec aussi peu que 1½ c. à thé ou 1½ sachet (format identique au sachet de sucre blanc) ! Feuilles de stevia en poudre : un maximum de 280 mg .
En dépit de leur origine « naturelle » et de leur disponibilité sans prescription, les produits de santé naturels tels que le stevia ne sont pas nécessairement inoffensifs. Veuillez consulter votre pharmacien
ou un autre professionnel de la santé faisant partie de l’équipe de soins en diabète avant de consommer du stevia ou d’un produit dérivé.
Si vous décidez de faire l’essai du stevia, mesurez votre taux de sucre dans le sang plus souvent afin de prévenir les variations indésirables (hypoglycémies ou hyperglycémies).
Le stevia est un agent sucrant extrait d’une plante appelée « stevia rebaudiana » originaire de l’Amérique du Sud. Depuis plusieurs années, cette substance est largement utilisée en Asie comme substitut du sucre par l’industrie alimentaire. Son attrait réside dans son pouvoir sucrant nettement supérieur à celui du sucre blanc, sa valeur calorique nulle et son impact négligeable sur la glycémie suite à sa consommation. On lui attribue également des vertus thérapeutiques probables. Ainsi, certains pays sud-américains recourent traditionnellement au stevia pour traiter certains problèmes de santé tels que l’hypertension artérielle (haute pression) et le diabète de type 2.
Actuellement, il est possible de consommer le stevia sous différentes formes :
Feuilles séchées possédant un pouvoir sucrant de 10 à 15 fois plus élevé que le sucre pour une même quantité. Ce produit est vendu sous forme de poudre. Extrait concentré de la substance responsable du pouvoir sucrant appelée stévioside : son pouvoir sucrant est de 100 à 300 fois celui du sucre pour une quantité équivalente.Il est disponible sous forme de poudre blanche (en sachetsou en vrac) ou de préparation liquide. Feuilles fraîches cueillies à même l’arbuste stevia.
Depuis 2006, la Direction des produits de santé naturels de Santé Canada a autorisé de façon provisoire l’utilisation du stevia et de ses produits dérivés à titre de « produits de santé naturels ». Toutefois, ils ne peuvent pas être ajoutés aux aliments pré-emballés par les différents acteurs de l’industrie alimentaire, comme c’est le cas pour des édulcorants tels que le sucralose ( Splenda ®) et l’aspartame.
Stévioside : 1 mg par kilogramme de poids corporel jusqu’à concurrence de 70 mg. Veuillez noter qu’avec certains produits vendus sous forme de poudre,le maximum peut être atteint avec aussi peu que 1½ c. à thé ou 1½ sachet (format identique au sachet de sucre blanc) ! Feuilles de stevia en poudre : un maximum de 280 mg .
En dépit de leur origine « naturelle » et de leur disponibilité sans prescription, les produits de santé naturels tels que le stevia ne sont pas nécessairement inoffensifs. Veuillez consulter votre pharmacien
ou un autre professionnel de la santé faisant partie de l’équipe de soins en diabète avant de consommer du stevia ou d’un produit dérivé.
Si vous décidez de faire l’essai du stevia, mesurez votre taux de sucre dans le sang plus souvent afin de prévenir les variations indésirables (hypoglycémies ou hyperglycémies).
vendredi 16 janvier 2009
SACHA INCHI Oméga 3 ,6 et 9

SACHA INCHI Oméga 3 ,6 et 9
Nom latin : Plukenetia volúbilis
Nom Français : Inca Inchi
Compagnie :
L'huile vierge d'Inka Inchi est extraite des graines de cette plante amazonienne. Connue par les indigènes depuis des millénaires, c'est de loin l'huile la plus riche en acides gras polyinsaturés utilisée pour la consommation alimentaire. Elle a un usage domestique, industriel, cosmétique, culinaire et médicinal.
Composition: Acides gras essentiels poly-insaturés (AGPI ou AGE) ou vitamine F : acide linoléique (oméga 6) (35.8%), acide linolénique (oméga 3) (46.9%). Acides gras mono-insaturés (AGMI) : acide oléique (oméga 9) (8%). Acides gras saturés (AGS) : acide palmitique (4 %), acide stéraique (2.50%). Riche en vitamine E: 17mg pour 100ml. Contient aussi de la vitamine A 681 ug pour 10ml. Indice de saponification: 191.60
Elle fortifie les cheveux, prévient les vergetures et le vieillissement cutané, reconstruit et régule la barrière cutanée (peaux sèches, déshydratées, sensibles, agressées), apaisante (peaux atopiques, eczéma), répare mains, pieds et ongles abîmés. Enfin c'est une huile sèche qui pénètre sans laisser de film gras.
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Portable:(0033) 675 295 546 Email: Email:
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